Достопримечательности Ретимно

Ретимно - город, полный сюрпризов. Он сочетает в себе классику и современность, старое и новое и приглашает весь мир провести здесь свой отпуск и открыть для себя его красоты.

Kournas Lake

This is the largest natural lake in Crete and surely one of the most beautiful. It hosts a rich ecosystem and it is protected by the NATURA 2000 network. The landscape around the lake is fantastic and offers a great opportunity for long walks and picnics or even swimming. Several cafes and taverns are operating next to the lake for those who want to eat and drink. Legend has it that some nights, a fairy appears and brushes her hair by the lake.

Fortezza Castle

Fortezza, the Rethymno’s fortress was completed on 1590 and it is the trademark of the city. Built by the Venetians to protect the city from Ottomans’ attacks and pirates’ raids it stands upon the city, on the Palaiokastro hill. Most of the walls and buildings of the fortress are still in good condition and the view from Fortezza is astonishing. Within its walls the visitor will also find the outdoor municipal theatre “Erophili”, where most of the Renaissance Festival’s events take place.

Venetian Harbour

This beautiful harbor was built by the Venetians around 1300 AD and it’s still in use in our day. For many centuries it has been a commercial center and a traditional meeting place for people from around the world. A lighthouse, still standing today, guided the commercial and military ships to moor in the harbor’s calm waters during the long and turbulent hi story of the city. Today, the harbor has something for every visitor. Whether you love long romantic walks by the sea, or you prefer to taste the Cretan cuisine and nightlife, the Venetian Harbor is the place to be.

Kourtaliotiko Gorge

Named after the Kourtaliotis or Big River, this extraordinary gorge is famous for the variety of Cretan birds and wild animals that live there and for its impressive natural scenery. The river’s water have to travel a long way under old bridges and over beautiful waterfalls before it can reach the sea and the palm trees of Preveli beach. The gorge is 3km long with cliffs of 600 meters in height and along with the neighboring lake of Preveli, is part of the Natura 2000 Network.

Preveli Monastery

The monastery of Preveli is located in one of the most beautiful places in Crete. Although the exact date it was erected is unknown, there are indications of the presence of a small monastery in the area since the 10th century AD. The Preveli monastery is actually two monasteries: the Kato Monastery, that is now abandoned, and the Piso Monastery of Theologos. This one is inhabited by monks and can be visited. In the monastery premises there is a museum that exhibits a collection of icons, ritual objects and relics.

Spili Village

Spilli is a beautiful village built on a majestic location that offers a fantastic view to the sea and the surrounding area. It is famous for its weaving production and in the main square of the village you will find a fountain shaped as a row of lion heads. Taverns and cafes will provide you with food and drink before you depart for a tour to the interesting surrounding area.